5 Surprising Ways on How to Make Money on Amazon


5 Surprising Ways on How to Make Money on Amazon

5 Surprising Ways to Make Money on Amazon

Amazon is one of the world’s biggest online stores. There are 353 million products available, it ships to 100 countries and has 1.2 million employees. It also has over 185 fulfillment centers around the world.


What if you could start a side hustle with a small investment?

Starting an online business or an online side hustle is a dream that often gets parked because of this complexity and overwhelm.

To sell a physical product requires a big investment and expertise.  

Amazon fixes that. 

You rent their services rather than set up your own. 

Normally you would need to:

  • Find the product 
  • Or..design it. 
  • Then you need to produce it.
  • Then you need to store it. 
  • Next.. shipping and delivery
  • Oh… and don’t forget customer support!

The list goes on! In the past, it required an investment of easily 6 figures plus. And I won’t even mention the time it takes to set something like that up.

Amazon hands you all the resources you need. There’s no need to invest in all the infrastructure and fulfillment systems and resources.

Instead, you can use a service called Amazon FBA.

Why use Amazon’s FBA?

There are several reasons to use Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) services:

  • Convenience: FBA takes care of storage, shipping, and customer service for you, allowing you to focus on sourcing and selling products.
  • Increased visibility: Products that are fulfilled by Amazon are eligible for Amazon Prime, giving them more visibility and increasing their chances of being purchased.
  • Trust: Amazon is a trusted brand and customers are more likely to buy products that are fulfilled by Amazon.
  • Savings: By using FBA, you can save money on shipping costs and benefit from Amazon’s bulk shipping rates.
  • Scalability: FBA makes it easier to scale your business as you can store and ship large quantities of products without having to worry about the logistics.
  • Access to Amazon’s customer base: With over 300 million active customers, Amazon offers a large audience for your products. By using FBA, you can tap into this audience and reach more potential customers.
  • Easy returns: FBA handles returns and customer service, saving you time and reducing the hassle of dealing with these issues yourself.

Amazon’s FBA services can help simplify the process of selling products on Amazon, increase the visibility and trust of your products, and help you reach more customers.
