Is this is allow to study other books|questions about studying a man's Torah Psalms Gospel| question and their answer in blog

Study of Zabur, Torah, Bible


 I have been confused for a long time about a problem and that is whether it is correct to study the Psalms Torah or the Bible with the intention of knowing the truth of Islam or to find out what is the difference between other religions and Islam. By reading them, it is intended to know how and on what principles the Qur’an orders the formation of a nation or society, and what principles are given by other holy books in forming a society and what are the benefits of both.


A friend of mine said, “Look, brother, unless we study the Psalms, the Bible, the Torah, etc., how will we be able to do all this, that Islam is a true religion and that other religions have such and such shortcomings, so it is necessary that we You should first learn something about Islam and then study these books so that you can know that there has been a change in these books. Perhaps, the face of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned red with happiness. Which way will the raven go? I asked a Maulvi Sahib and he replied that the study of the Torah etc. is permissible only for the scholars.


 2- In view of this hadith, there is no need for Muslims to study and use the books of Sharia brought by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The objectives of studying these books which have been stated in the beginning of the letter are not appropriate, and not everyone is qualified for it, since we do not know about the intellectual capacity of the problems, so he should not read these books for these purposes. Study cannot be advised.

 3---Answer to the People of the Book The purpose of the accusation that the friend described is correct in its place, but it is not the work of the people, but only the work of these scholars among the people of knowledge. Other people who are experts in technical discussions and debates should consult such scholars on such occasions.

5. What Maulvi Sahib said is correct, but the story of sectarianism should not be raised on this occasion. By the grace and mercy of Allah, there are experts and scholars on the subject of Christianity who are missing it and Muslims. Obligation should be fulfilled by

6-- Scholars who study the Bible do not study it to make use of it, so the mentioned hadith does not apply to them.


7---If the gentlemen doing the correct PHD are well aware of the principles and branches of Islam and their purpose is not to use the previous books, then they also have the same ruling as written in answer number 6. All your concerns are answered in these points

 8---Finally, I would advise you that if you want to gain insight on this topic, then read the book Izhar al-Haq by Hazrat Maulana Rahmatullah Kiranvi, may God bless him and grant him peace. The original book is in Arabic, and its Urdu translation is from the Bible to the Qur'an. it has been published in three volumes by Darul Uloom Karachi.


(Your Problems and Their Solutions Volume 1)

