Prophet's painful statement about Dajjal | sign of dajjal| who is dajjal?

Prophet's painful statement about Dajjal

It is in Sahih Muslim that one day in the morning the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned Dajjal, saying that we should think that he is not present in the graveyard of Madinah. Peace be upon him came to know and said what is the matter?


We explained, then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: If he comes out in my presence, I myself will understand him, and if he comes after me, every Muslim will change his allegiance to him. I make God my caliph over every Muslim. And when he was young, he would have emerged from them. Just understand that he will be like Abdulazi bin Laden. Whoever sees him among you will want to recite the opening verses of Surah Kahf and walk well. We asked how long the Holy Prophet will stay. He said: Forty days, one day is equal to one year, one day is equal to one month.


And the rest of the day is like your ordinary days. Then we discovered that the day that will be equal to the year will be offering the same day’s prayer. What will be the boundary of the speed of said, as if they can change He will call a people to him and they will accept it, and rain will fall on them from the sky, and they will say to the earth that their animals will be refreshed and give more milk. He will do it and will make him stand on the barren land saying, “Come out of the treasures of the earth, then everyone will come out and follow him like bees.”

Then it will call a young man and kill him, cut him into two pieces and throw him so far away that the speed of an arrow will sound to him, then he will come alive and laugh to him. He will send Maryam (peace be upon him) that there will be two four-level servants near the white eastern minaret and two angels who will be restrained on their wings. Whoever their breath reaches will die, and the breath of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) will reach as far as the eye can see, and those who are protected by God from this trunk will come to you with their faces. They will turn their hands and inform about their children.


You will come to Isa (peace be upon him) from God that I am selling my servants whom no one can resist, so take these special servants of mine to the way, or else the Gog Magog will come out and from all sides themselves. If he comes, all his water will be drunk. After them, another group will come, so it will be a hundred times bigger. They say that maybe there will be water. Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) and his fellow believers will not rise so much there that not even a head of an ox will be better than if you have 100 dinars today, today you (peace be upon him) and the believers will make supplications and supplications to God. That he will give the disease of the staff of Allah, in which all of them will perish together, then Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) will descend on the earth with you.

But you will not find any place on the earth that is free from their dead bodies and their stench. All the land On that day, one pomegranate will be enough for a group and they will all find comfort under its peel. As it will be difficult, they will become difficult, and the Day of Judgment will be established on them.

