A great difference between knowledge and wealth|What did Ali( may Allah be pleased with him) say about wealth and knowledge?

Difference between KNOWLEDGE and WEALTH 

Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) says that the difference between knowledge and information is that the more you spend on wealth, the more you accumulate and the more you spend on knowledge, the more it increases.

So he used to teach strange verses to children His knowledge was transferred to others, although the older he became, the more he became a part of the teacher.


The second difference is that the owner has to protect the property.If you have four paisas, you will have to hold him and not leave him somewhere. If you are sleeping, then he says that if no thief comes at night, then you have to protect the wealth yourself and the scholar protects them. No, knowledge itself will tell you that there is danger. It is salvation. Knowledge protects its own knowledge, but you have to protect us.

It is obvious that if you meet him, he will come with trouble and say that he will protect you from robbers, etc. If one says from knowledge, then the greatest benefactor is that he opened the way to this world and the hereafter.


Wealth does not open the way, it makes a person feel bad. Yes, if one earns according to knowledge and spends according to knowledge, then wealth will work. If not, wealth becomes trouble.

Until now, we used to understand alone that if wealth is earned in a recognized way, it becomes trouble, but today it is being observed in the world, that is, those who will not go to those who are in trouble, they say that for the sake of God, far away. They are taking it and putting it in the sea, but the government is pulling out these things, so a strange problem is happening to the dead.


It is the grace of tragedy that at that time people like you who used to say that a little is enough to give to the poor should come to this Eid. This is an opportunity to say that we are in peace. Your wealth has not benefited you, our poverty has. I have given us benefit to the house the minute man do not pay I have nothing from where do I pay He is at ease and he who has is in trouble.

Hazrat Thanvi (may Allah have mercy on him) used to say, “We don’t have anything, so we don’t have anything, we don’t have friends now. Where do we keep the page?”

Even the one who is wearing dastar, who cares about us, why did he worry about every foot, whether he should stay inside only dastar or cloth inside? In any case, those who have less needs today are at ease and those who have more are in trouble, but why are they in trouble? Islam simply did not say that you are a preacher and have the status of an illegitimate person, so be worried. He who has money is not worried even today.

It is known that walking on the right path always leads to relief, walking on the wrong path always leads to trouble even if it is right. Note: A gentleman whose family was ill and sometimes sudden and inappropriate circumstances came and all his property was lost overnight because he was also a scholar and he was about to die, he wrote a letter saying that the above article was written in response to him. May Allah protect everyone from inappropriate situations. Amen.

