A man was saved from hell by the blessing of seven daughters|An interesting incident has been recorded in history

A man was saved from hell by the blessing of seven daughters. An interesting incident has been recorded in history

There is an interesting incident in history, it is recorded below, but every time a daughter was born to him, that is, later on, six daughters were born to his wife. Shaitan has made it his intention that even if a girl is born, he will divorce his wife۔


Let him think about his misunderstanding, what is the wife’s fault in this? At night, when he slept, he had a strange dream. When he went to the first door, he saw that one of his daughters was standing there, who prevented him from going to hell. But when they took her, there was a third girl standing there who became an obstacle۔

In this way, at the gate where the angels would take him, there would be a daughter of his who would defend him and prevent him from going to hell. That is why the angels took him to the six gates of hell, but at each gate someone of his was there.


 The daughter became an obstacle Now the seventh door was left, the angels took him and went towards this door. He was afraid that who would be an obstacle for me at this door. He realized that the intention he had made was wrong. He was seduced by Shaitan, in great distress and terror, his eyes were opened, and he raised his hands before the Almighty and prayed, the translation of which is “ O Allah, grant me a seventh daughter.”

Therefore, those who have faith in destiny should be happy instead of being sad about the birth of girls. Due to the weakness of faith, people who have formed the idea that the reason for the birth of girls is their wives, this is completely wrong. Is There is no involvement of the wives or their own actions in this, but the husband and wife are only a means, the creating entity of the other, Allah is one and the same.

