3 strange questions of Hazrat Umar (RA) and strange answers of Hazrat Ali (RA)

3 strange questions of Hazrat Umar (RA) and strange answers of Hazrat Ali (RA)

Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) says that Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab (RA) said to Hazrat Ali Iman Abi Talib Hussain (Allah be pleased with him) O Abu al-Hasan, once upon a time he was present in the assembly of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and we were there. We were and sometimes we were.


 And I want to ask you about three things that you are present, do you know them? No good thing is seen, what is the reason for each man;

Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Ta'ala Anhu said that a man loves a man even though he does not see any good in him. What is the reason for each man?Ali said, “Yes, I know the answer. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the souls of human beings were kept together in one place in eternity. Hazrat Umar said, “One thing has been answered.”


The second thing is that a person narrates a hadith, sometimes he forgets it, sometimes he remembers it, what is the reason for this? There is a change for such a heart, the moon is shining, the clouds appear in front of it, it becomes dark, and when it does not go away, it starts to shine. A hadeeth is narrated to such a person, and a cloud passes over him, so he forgets the hadeeth, and when the cloud passes over him, he remembers the hadeeth. Hazrat Umar (RA) said two things. Got the answer.


The third thing is that when a person dreams, some dreams are true and some are broken. What is the reason for this? Hazrat Ali said yes, the answer to this is also known. When a servant or prisoner falls asleep, his soul is brought to the Throne and it stops when it reaches it. Hazrat Umar said, “My mother had been searching for these three things for a long time.” Thank God I found them before I died.

