What is a man's fault when he is destined to become a robber, become a doctor, become a thief? question and their answer

What is a man's fault when he is destined to become a robber, become a doctor, become a thief?


 If a patient is sick and his death is written, then he dies, then the question is, if it is accepted in this way, why his death has to come at his time, so can his death be delayed by prayer? In this way, everything is bound by Allah’s order, then how did man become sinful?  Because he did what was written in his destiny and what was approved by Allah. How guilty.

Because the fate of the deceased was written in this way and if it was written to be killed by him, then Allah has freed him that he can do something of his own free will, if he cannot do it, then he remains, and if he cannot, then how can he commit a sin? Is?

Thus, a Christian is born in America and there is a Christian environment around him, so how can he become a Muslim when there is no right path in front of him, then how can he be a sinner. If the difficulty is written, how can she run it?

Or that the destiny can be changed by prayer and the writing of the destiny can be avoided. In this way, he is responsible for his own evil, so how is he responsible, because he did what was written in his destiny. If a thief is a terrorist, what is his fault?


This is the problem of destiny. I will write briefly about the questions you have asked;


1.-- We pray for the patient and we also pray about prayer and treatment. The problem of fate never comes to anyone’s mind. Why will the patient be cured or not? There is no knowledge, that’s why we also pray and prayer will also be healthy in fate, then the medicine and prayer will be effective, otherwise not. Undoubtedly, everything happens according to divine destiny, but in the work we do with our own will and authority, we do not consider man to be forced, because if a student succeeds in good grades by working hard, we will reward him and congratulate him. And if the hard work falls on the student, they blame him because his hard work and his goal of working hard are both optional, although passing and failing were also subject to fate.

2.---Undoubtedly, everything happens according to divine destiny, but in the work we do with our own will and authority, we do not consider man to be forced, because if a student succeeds in good grades by working hard, we will reward him and congratulate him. And if the hard work falls on the student, they blame him because his hard work and his goal of working hard are both optional, although passing and failing were also subject to fate.

3.--- A person kills another or we drag the murderer to court because he has committed a crime of his own free will.

4.---Allah has given man the light of reason through which he discriminates between right and wrong, so those who have adopted religion despite being on the right, you cannot make it a subject because it is a duty. He used to differentiate between right and wrong religion in the light of reason. Despite the wrong environment, if a person works with reason, religion can find the truth. Hazrat Ibrahim’s example is in front of everyone. What is destined will continue to happen, but do we know what is destined for us, so we are commanded that you take everything that is permissible according to the apparent situation. Medicine is also one of the causes.

5.---What is destined will continue to happen, but do we know what is destined for us, so we are commanded that you take everything that is permissible according to the apparent situation. Medicine is also one of the causes.

6.---A person becomes a doctor or a bandit, everything is according to fate, but both doctors and bandits are made by their own will. In summary, a person is entitled to reward for any choice made by Allah Almighty. All things are subject to fate. Yes, but we do not know the destiny, it is not permissible to jump into this problem and it is also not useful.

 Taken from your Problems and Their Solutions -Volume 1

