The strange incident of entrusting trust to Allah Ta’ala|The incident of a man who entrusted his child to Allah

The strange incident of entrusting trust to Allah Ta'ala

Allama Damiri (may Allah have mercy on him) says that he has seen this hadith in many books, which has been narrated by Zayd bin Aslam with reference to his father. After seeing this, Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) said, “I have not seen anyone who is more similar to him, i.e., someone who resembles each other.”

The man replied that Amirul Momineen had given birth to this boy when his mother was dead and Hazrat Umar Farooq (may God bless him and grant him peace) went to Siddah and said that the man said that Amirul Momineen had planned my journey at that time.


 His mother used to get it, she said to me that you are leaving death in this condition that we are happening because of them, I said, I entrust what is in your body to Allah Almighty. After saying this I went on a journey and after many years I returned home and found the door of the house locked and found out that it was my wife’s. They said that she had passed away. I went to my wife’s grave, my cousins ​​were with me and I started to feel sick


I saw a fire in the cemetery. I asked my cousin, how are you? He said, “If you appear in the grave of the deceased during the night, the woman should send a very good interpreter to me again.” When I entered the cemetery, my cousin was the same tick.

 When I reached the grave of my late wife alone, I saw that the grave was open and the wife had a daughter and this boy was walking around her. Take them back. If you had entrusted his mother to Allah, you would have found her. After hearing this, I picked up the boy.

The stories of Ameerul Momineen that I have narrated are true by Allah.


