Terrible end for backbiting|results of backbiting|a story of taba tabighe

Terrible end for backbiting

A Tabibi whose name is Rabi’ah, may Allah have mercy on him, narrates his incident that once I reached a gathering and saw that people were sitting and talking, so I got up and left the gathering.
Because if the time is running out in a meeting, a man should stop it and if he does not have the power to stop it, at least he should not participate in the conversation, but should get up and leave.

 So again I sat with him, now there were talks here and there for a while, but after a while, when will it start again, but now my courage became weak and I could not read the majlis and I kept listening to those who kept gossiping, then I He also said a couple of words of backbiting.


Among those who came home from this assembly and slept at night, he saw in a dream a very black man, and brought him to me in great terror. He is saying that pork meat and I said that I am a Muslim, how can I eat their meat?

 Now I refuse and he is going to tuns until I feel nauseous and vomit he is laughing then my eyes open in this state of agony when after waking up I eat the meat of my lunch break. The dream came to him The worst one would have joined the meal of an emir and he asked Allah Almighty to punish him because of this incident.
