THE LIFE STYLE OF HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAW)#massage#treatment#sahaba


                      LIFE STYLE

Humility and simplicity were ingraind traits of Muhammad (PBUH) personality he never made people feel small unwanted or embarrassed he urged  his followers to live decently and kindly he would sit wherever there was a place available in assembly and never sourght prominent or elevated place.

He never wore anything that could distinguish him from his companions. He would meet the affluent and the empowerist like and never made distinction on the basis of cast creed and colour. People who did not know him could not tell him apart from the rest of his companion Abu Omamah bin thalaba Razi Allah Tala anhu before it the companion of messenger of Allah mention the life of the world before him.


 He said do not hear do not hear simplicity in life is what a simplicity is part of faith. Sahan AVN nishad one of the Muhammad companion said the rasul of Allah did not see breed made from the fine floor from the time Allah send him as a rasul until he died.

Similarly ayisha Razi Allah Hu anhu the matrix of the Rasool on which his slept was made of leather stopped with the fibre of date tree. Mohammad pbuh live hazard live tell he died I'll thought the Muslim treasury treasury was it his disposal the creator part of the Arabian peninsula was Muslim for he died and the Muslim or victorious after 18 year of his mission.


 Despite his responsibilities is unable a teacher a statesman in a judge Muhammad (PBUH) used to milk has got men has cloth repair his shoes and help with the household he pbuh you to visit a link person in exhausted Al Muslims to do like voice also help his company and again trench by moving set with them whenever he visit a person he would first grade him and then take his permission to enter the. He is he advised the people to follow this antique and not to get annoyed if anyone decline to give formation for it was quite likely the person concern was busy otherwise end did not mean any this respect. Mohammad pbuh was always the first to greet another and would not withdraw his hand from a handshake tell the other man.

 If one want to say something in his ears he would not turn away till one.Anas Razi Allah Tala anhu one up the Muhammad bbwh companian said that there was no person whom there loved more than the nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam yet when the he came to come to them they did not stand up for him because he had standing up for him. He would himself how I stand up when the any magnet rec. He pbuh had stood up receive the witness who had real him and penis and head spread his own she for her.


His poster sister was given similar treatment similarly Ayesha his narrated I have never encounter anyone that had emulated the rasul SAW like Ness and speech more than Fatima Razi Allah Tala. Vinshi came into visit him the Rasool he got up took welcome her took her by the hand kiss him and her made her sit wear he was sitting and we when he when and to visit her she got up to welcome him to come by the hand and made him set fear she was setting.

He avoided sitting at the accomminant place in a gathering so much so that people coming and head David culti and sporting him and her usul sallallahu alaihi wasallam is. Once hazrat Muhammad pbhuh was travelling with his company and when it was time to have the food prepare he ask them to slaughter a sheep. Amin said I will slaughter it another one said I will skin it out a third one said I will cook it show the rasul sallallahu alaihi wasallam sad I will collect wood for fire the set no eat well suffice you date work.


 I know that you can do it for me but I had to be privileged. Allah heads to see a slave up his privilege to others. So he went and collected firewood our believe Rasool hazrat Muhammad pbuh was endowed with impeccable qualities from which we can learn allowed to improve our lifestyle. Humbleness and simplicity were some of these qualities by adopting the sunna ab simplicity and humility we can eradicate the social evil like ostantion  arrogant and pride. Great great resources on unwanted luxurious 4 and item simply to great if I our sense of right and superiority over other. If we make simplicity and humility apart up our personality our social behaviour will be considerate genuine, our heads and pride but bow them in humbleness and affection.

